Universal Design: Сreating Inсlusive Environments for All

In a world where diversity and inсlusivity are inсreasingly valued, the сonсept of universal design has emerged as a powerful approaсh to сreating environments, produсts, and experienсes that are aссessible and usable by people of all ages, abilities, and baсkgrounds. Universal design goes beyond mere сomplianсe with aссessibility standards; it seeks to embraсe diversity and […]

Psychological Marketing Design

Part of the job of a designer is to plan everything out before goods are actually produced. They prepare artwork or plans, which help people know what’s going to be made and what designs it will show. A designer is defined as someone who creates things of interest in a certain field. The more formal […]

Interior Design

The School of Design offers courses that will give you the knowledge, the basics you need to boldly enter the market and start earning in the field of design.

Graphic Design

Tired of not interesting, boring, routine work? Not enough time for family and hobbies? Feeling confused and financially dependent? Then you need a change!

Furniture Design

You will learn how to create exclusive furniture design – from sketches to production drawings. You’ll be able to implement your ideas in interior design and make quality kitchens and storage systems

Sketching course

We have developed a completely new approach to mastering interior sketching for you. In the course you will learn how to draw by hand interior objects, textures and finished interiors in various techniques.